
Ten Years.

I remember it like it was just yesterday. I was on my way to the bus stop for what I thought was just going to be another normal day in the seventh grade. As I waited at the dirt lot with some friends, one of them said "Did you hear about the Twin Towers?".
I didn't even know what the Twin Towers were...

No one had much information, especially as 12 year olds but when we got on to the bus everyone was talking about it. When we got to school, all of the televisions in the classrooms were turned onto the news. Teachers forgot about their lesson plans and read us updates on the attacks. There was just a somber mood that overcame the halls of Desert Hills Intermediate School.
Mrs. Jensen came in to our history class and said, "Students, I want you to remember today-today is when all of our lives are going to change."

I remember thinking the world was going to end. I was so scared for what these attacks would mean for the future. I just wanted to go home and have my Dad tell me everything was going to be alright.

There is no doubt that America lost so much that day.
But out of the ruin and the rubble, America truly became

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