
25 years of L.O.V.E.

There is something really special about celebrating 25 years of marriage and both of our parents celebrated that this year. Interestingly enough, both sets of our parents were high school sweethearts. It is so fun to hear about the early days of their courtships and their first years of marriage. I couldn't ask for any better examples of what a marriage should be like than that of our parents. Cheers to love!

We decided to crash Mom and Dad Hafen's anniversary getaway to Cedar Mountain. Ha we didn't really crash it, they invited us up for one day and I'm sure glad we were able to go. It was beautiful! The colors on the leaves were insane shades of orange, yellow and red. We hung out at Grandma Sue's cabin, drank wassail, rode 4-wheelers, chatted and laughed.
It was such a fun little getaway.




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