
Norah :: Nine Months

Norah in a Nutshell :: 9 Months

-She is a little dare devil. She stands up against the coffee table, looks over to the couch to see if she can make it, takes a deep breath, holds said breath, and launches her body hoping to grasp the leather cushion. And she 9 times out of 10 makes it. 
-Norz loves gold fish crackers, cheerios and fruit. All fruit. 
-She plays peek-a-boo with a blanket. We could play that for hours and neither of us get bored.
-Speaking of blankets, she loves forts! Good thing her dad is secretly a professional fort architect and builder ;)
-Norah waves hello and goodbye by flopping her chubby hand up and down with the biggest grin on her face.
-When she actually realizes that saying goodbye means someone is actually leaving, she starts to whimper, no matter who it is. She hates goodbyes. 
-She has a favorite TV show, Special Agent Oso. Too bad there is only one season on netflix. Broc and I have almost every one memorized. 
-I can see those little chompers on top breaking through. She will be so happy when she can put those babies to use. She wants to eat everything!
-OBSESSED with dogs. 
-And water, (splashing in, swimming in, bathing in, or just drinking)
-Her record is 3.5 steps. Usually she gets so excited when she starts that it turns more into a run.

It is hard to believe that she has officially been out as long as she was in. 
Pregnancy seems like it was all a dream now. Feels like this little angel has been with us forever. 
Happy 9 months Norah!

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