

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
This week I was excited to go to the doctor and have him tell me how dilated I was. 
When he told me I was barely at a 1, first I wanted to scream and then I just wanted to lay on that table and cry. I almost felt a sense of shame like he had expected me to be further along. 
At least I expected it.
Needless to say, I became determined.

Broc and I have become a couple of walking fools. We have walked so much that I am embarrassed to say that I am actually getting shin splints in my right leg. 
I rather like taking walks with my husband, 
I think I will have to continue it even after the baby is here. 
However, after a long walk, I go home feeling like I have been riding a horse for days, 
you all know the saddle walk I am talking about. 

So, I have another appointment on Tuesday.
And I dang well be further along.
It is crazy how impatient you get these last few weeks of pregnancy.
I am ashamed to say that I am already a kind of impatient girl so this is killing me.
I keep finding myself thinking things like 
"will this be the last time I buy a carton of milk before she comes?"
or "is this the last time I will have to change the toilet paper roll before she is here?"
We are just DYING to meet this little lady.
One of my favorite parts about this week is seeing Broc so anxious and excited for her to come.
I just know he will be the best dad.
He already loves her so much.
We both do.
Come on sweet little one.

"Will this be the last blog post before she comes?"


  1. I think that last week seems longer than the whole pregnancy put together! Good luck! You can do it! She will be here before you know it! :)

  2. I SO remember being there! I was so disappointed when I was only a 1 too when I was checked the first time :( oh, and the walking! I became a walking fool by the end. I was told to "curb walk" (walk one leg on the sidewalk, and one off), it's kinda awkward and takes a lot out of ya, but it may have helped me. that and jumping on the trampoline,ha. But...she will come when she is ready! (I'm sure you've been told that many times...People told me that all the time, haha) you still are looking amazing, gorgeous woman. good luck!! can't wait to see her.
